Suspension For Importation of Horses From Germany

Due to a recent discovery of a horse in Germany, testing positive…

Hendra By-Law Revoked Hendra By-Law…

Magic $10 Million

Magic Millions is a name that most people in the industry…

Equitana Horse of the Year 2014

We are so very proud to be associated with Katrina Routson…

Equine International Airfreight’s interview with Qantas

Recently Equine International Airfreight's Managing Director…

Oss Foley Memorial Endurance Ride – Sponsorship

This weekend (1.11.14) saw the 20th Anniversary of the annual…

Solo Feliz And Fursten Hit do it again!

Like true champions, both Solo Feliz and Fursten Hit continue…

October Shipment to Korea

Equine International Airfreight recently completed the first…

EIAF’s Holly Bennett & her champion Fjord – Myklejon.

The Royal Melbourne Horse Show is a prestigious event within…

Clarendon Dressage Champions

The Clarendon Dressage Competition was held in Hawkesbery NSW…